Last week I posted about one of my latest WWF Hasbro additions - a Bart Gunn 2-up head. That item alone is super rare however tonight I'm posting about a duo of pick ups that exceed that rarity.
The items in question - The Undertaker Unreleased Orange Cards 2-up heads. Before we go into detail on these items I think it's well worth looking at the back story that surrounds this illusive part of the Hasbro line. It's long been reported that before the WWF Hasbro line ended a Orange card series was in the works - and up until recently this was an unconfirmed rumour. Names including everyone from Diesel to Mabel were banded around but it wasn't until wax sculpts from a former employee were unearthed that the full line up was realised. One of those wax sculpts uncovered was that of the Undertaker. The Undertaker had already featured in the line in previous series however the planned figure was a new sculpt. Now - It's been mentioned before that I have - since my days of running - made numerous contracts in the figure market and on the same day I purchased the Bart Gunn 2-up I also got these painted and unpainted 2-up Orange Card Undertaker Heads. Those who collect Hasbro WWF figures will realise the importance of these items - for those who don't - the best way to explain them is a Hasbro collectors dream - considered non existent / lost for so long having these is a missing piece of the Hasbro puzzle. Plans are afoot to have them graded and cased. 2014 has been an epic year for collectors of the line and these will form part of the history behind the line
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Those who know me and equally those who are regular visitors to this site will know one of my long standing collecting passions is for the classic early 90's Hasbro WWF action figure line. My fondness for wrestling figures actually lead to me running up until earlier this year (plans are in progress to rebuild the site again). It was during the time running this site I was put in touch with those who had worked on this classic line - and in turn who owned some pre-production items previously never seen. Chatting to these 'legends of the line' led to me being able to make offers and in turn obtain some classic pieces including various test shots, the yellow masked Ultimate Warrior prototype and The Warlord 2up to name but a few. Recently from a contact I made during this time I have been able to add more preproduction items to my collection and tonight I thought I would share one of them with you ....... I'm proud to present the Smoking Gunns Bart Gunn 2-up head. A 2-up is a figure that stands twice the size of the regular released item and is made during pre-production. Sadly the body of this figure no longer exists but just owning the head is like owning a piece of figure history! This item is hand painted and despite being 20 years old in fine condition! The Smoking Gunns were part of the final released Hasbro series that came out on green cards. In terms of the released figures they were the most difficult to obtain and demand high prices in the market today. As you will see from the photos this item is an amazing piece and one that will take a prime seat in my collection. 2-ups are nearly impossible to get hold of from this line so I'm delighted to own this. There's more to come from this latest haul so watch this space. Enjoy! |