Any story behind it?
You'll know by now my favorite film trilogy is Back to the Future - and when I heard there was a movie props and wardrobe auction taking place that featured items from the film, the chance to bid was too good to turn down. So I set myself up with a plan to bid on 3 of the items - and if I won excellent - if not I would have to wait and see if any items ever surfaced again...... What exactly is it? You know that scene in Back to the Future 2 where Marty McFly goes to the future to stop his son ruining his life and enters Cafe 80's? Well the folks that made the film made sure every detail was covered - including the menu at Cafe 80's itself. I ended up winning 1 of my 3 planned bids - missing out on a Hill Valley Police Car Door Emblem and Biff money. The auction I did win was for 34 production made slides from the dishes served at Cafe 80's - all based around 80's icons - example dishes are 'Reagan Scramble' & 'Gorbachev Goulash'. The slides come with a Cetificate of Authenticity. Is it Rare? Collecting Back to the Future props and wardrobe can be a very expensive - and the price certainly reflects the rarity. Before this auction I have never seen anything like these - and I don't think I will anytime soon. Chances are others exist - but I doubt very much if they will surface. Will it be back? It was never out there to begin with - the items aren't sold in shops or online - these are rare and limited production items. Where can I get one now? As it turns out there were duplicates of the slides I won - so - I will be listing the duplicates via a well known auction site in due course. And Finally The slides are date stamped 'April 89' - pretty cool given the fact it shows their time in history. My plans for the ones I own are to frame them - with a photo of the slide in its 'blown up' form next to it.
Entry number two - and I figured why not continue with the Back to the Future theme - I have a few things set to come in that BTTF fans are bound to love - a little hint is Cafe 80's - but more about that in the next few weeks. Back to todays entry - and today we get into the world of art. The item in question is -
'2015" Print by Phil Gibson Any Story Behind it? Its pretty clear that I like Back to the Future - and the range of collectable items from the film is endless. Earlier this year I was in an inspired mood to purchase some art work - and after a few hours spent browsing various websites and ebay I came across this gem - a print by an artist named Phil Gibson - entitled '2015". A few clicks later it was mine....... What exactly is it? Its a limited edition print by Phil Gibson of the famous Nike shoes and Mattel Hoverboard. Is it rare? The answer in short to this is yes...... limited to just 55 prints there won't be many of these left if you don't pick one up soon. Will it be back? Unlikely - unless of course the artist decides to commision some more. Where can I get one now? Two places - firstly eBay - - however accroding to the stats as of writing just 3 remain at the bargain price of just $24. Equally you can visit Phil direct on his website - And Finally Some of the details glow in the dark! Brilliant! I have this item framed with this numbered card that is provided with it in the corner. Very cool item if your a BTTF fan!! Nice to own a 1 of 55 item!! |
May 2019