Any story behind them?
Lets be honest - if I had to name favourite things from my childhood right at the top of the list would be - Wrestling, Back to the Future, Football - and well - the latest topic in my Adventures in Collecting - Thundercats! It was without a doubt one of the most thrilling cartoon series you could watch as a kid - and the theme music literally sticks in your head like you wouldn’t believe. Now - it goes without saying the younger me had all the action figures from the series -however unlike most of the items I own these ones sadly made their way to the car boot before I even got the chance to hold onto them. Skip forward a number of years to the present day and me stood in a discount store in utter disbelief that the latest offering from Bandai was sat - available - for just 99p a figure - my girlfriend knew exactly what was coming next - the words ‘grab another basket……….’ What exactly are they? The latest Thundercats action figures - I picked up £30 worth of figures to keep - and I think I managed to get one of each (unless someone can tell me who I am missing) Are they Rare? Currently not - however give them time and they will be. I have no issues holding onto these - 99p per figure is a gamble well worth taking as values could soar in the coming years - and if not 99p isn’t the end of the world - and they are cool to look at! Will they be back? They are still current now following a new cartoon revamp in 2011 - however Thundercats fans are waiting to see if a second series of the new updated cartoon will be commissioned. The figures are still available in stores to purchase. Where can I get one now? Check local comic shops, well known auction sites and even discount stores - literally anywhere that may sell action figures! And Finally I have paid a visit to various branches of the discount shop since I picked up the original figures this article was based upon - and except for a few Lion-O’s I haven’t seen them at such a cheap price since……..
May 2019