Reports are starting to hint towards the fact that Star Wars : Lando #1 is going to be a sell out on all covers way ahead of its release date (8th July)
Whist it's totally up to you which one(s) you go for personally I like the John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant. This can still be pre-ordered on the link below and could be one to watch - especially given the fact it's not out for another week yet!!
I posted a little while back (May 4th incase you wanted to read up) about the incredible action figure variants that were on offer for the Star Wars Comic book line created by John Tyler Christopher. Well Star Wars isn't the only line to feature these awesome covers. Introducing the Secret Wars Action Figure Variants! The figure covers pay homage to the 80's toy line - and much like their Star Wars counterparts look incredible! Below are the covers released so far - they are well worth grabbing if you get the chance! Some of the above are still readily available at cover price - whilst others are becoming more scarce! Certainly fun to collect and add another level to any collection. More are set to be released in the coming weeks and I for one will be picking them up. You'll know from my previous posts that I am a HUGE fan of the Marvel Star Wars Comic Series - in particular the Action Figure Variants that have been released.
This week saw the release of issue #6 - and the cover star was none other than R2-D2. Needless to say I've grabbed a couple of copies for my collection however it's worth noting that a character we first saw in Star Wars #4 is finally revealed. I'm keen not to throw any spoilers on here - so pick up issue #6 at cover price below - If your a first appearance fan too I'd definitely try and grab a copy of #4 too - however the auction route is probably your best bet for this! Both #4 and #6 could both be hot comics for the future - so grab them now whilst you still can! A fantastic comic that I've been reading since its release is Sex Criminals. On June 24th issue number #11 is released - and for this particular issue there is a bit of a twist. The regular cover issues will all be bagged. The reason behind this is that 1000 lucky readers will potentially open up the bags to find a sketch & signature from Matt Fraction & Chip Zdarsky on a blank cover. Reports are suggesting that you have a 1 in 35 chance of getting one of these signed and sketched books. It's most certainly a fantastic promotional plug - and one that will see collectors and readers alike snapping these up. If you've not had the chance to read this series check it out - it's well worth a read! Copies can be picked up on pre-order - This book might move quickly as people get caught up in the promotional frenzy making it a potential hot book to keep an eye on. |